Power Projects

Vertical Axis Wind Power


Wind power is one of the fastest-growing renewable energy technologies. Wind power or wind energy is the use of wind to provide mechanical power through wind turbines to turn electric generators for electrical power.

Wind power is a popular sustainable, renewable energy source that has a much smaller impact on the environment compared to burning fossil fuels.

Vertical Axis Wind Power

Vertical Axis Wind Turbines represent a unique form of power-generating technology. Vertical axis wind turbines represent a new type of power-generating technology designed for a smaller niche urban market. Generally, it would have a fairly low visual and environmental impact around buildings as they are shorter in height than the traditional horizontal wind turbine. Also, their main working components, such as the generator and gearbox are located closer to the ground requiring less structural supports. This makes maintenance, inspection and repair of these turbine generators fairly easy.

Wind turbines use blades to collect the wind's kinetic energy. Wind flows over the blades creating lift similar to the effect on airplane wings, which causes the blades to turn. The blades are connected to a drive shaft that turns an electric generator, which produces or generates electricity. The energy is created by providing initial 1kilo watt of power once the rotation starts it immediately starts generating power since there is no magnetic force the electricity is generated using renewable source. The generated electricity thus generated can be stored or can be directly transferred to the required place through the help of certain transmissions.

Advantages of Our New Era of Vertical Wind Power

The new era of wind energy power generation concept comes with the pre-installed system through which the wind turbines functions, blades start rotating with artificially created wind system there by over-coming the dis-advantages of all wind power.

1. Wind power is cost-effective.

2. Easier Installation and Maintenance.

3. Lower Environmental Harm.

4. It's a clean fuel source.

5. Instant power generation.

6. Wind is a domestic source of energy.

7. It's sustainable.

8. Wind turbines can be built on existing farms or ranches.

9. This can be installed wherever necessary it comes with a length of 12 Feet and 9 feet width.

10. Graphene batteries are used which are most versatile and compact.

11. Whole equipment is made of cast iron body material.

12. DC motors are used.

13. Function in extreme weather, with variable winds and even mountain conditions.

Operations of Vertical Wind Power

To operate these turbines, we don’t require any mechanisms. Quieter to operate, so they don’t disturb people in residential neighbourhoods. It is easily portable can be taken from one place to another comes with a range of 150 RPM.

It can generate energy from 3 kilo watt to 100 kw depending on need and necessity.

The extracted power can be used for nearby agricultural activities, remote resort and recreational facilities, houses, factories, workshops, Temporary constructions of road, railways and bridges and for other residential and commercial purposes