Earthworms are ranked the most influential species in history. The roles of earthworms include: Being recyclers – helping to increase the fertility of soils, estimated to increase crop yields by 30%. Acting as a barometer of soil health and toxicity. We at TronX have prepared a liquid which acts as a catalyst to produce earthworms naturally in the soil
Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium are “Big 3” primary nutrients in commercial fertilizers. Each of these fundamental nutrients play a key role in plant nutrition. Considering the cost and quantity of urea, we at TRON X have prepared N P K capsules of 30 grams each. These 4 capsules of 30x4=120gms mixed in 50 liters of water is equivalent to 50 kgs of Urea, which means carrying 4 capsules of 30gms(120gms) is equivalent to one bag of 50kg Urea.